Thursday, 19 July 2012

MATERIALS!! (and a new design)

Yes, I know. We're evil for switching the design. Again.
We were planning on using these adorable caterpillar balloons, but I discovered that they release minimal air and deflate within about two seconds, which is really bad since they take up a lot of space- 2ft x 1/2 ft. Ouch.

Anyway, instead we opted to use these awesome colourful balloons that I have.

Deflation takes a solid 5-6 seconds (one balloon is slightly bigger than the other; we plan to use two) plus they're fairly small too- I can fit two of them in the space it takes one of those catepillar balloons.

If you're wondering how we plan you use two, it's simple. With straws! =D
The balloons will be one in front of another. The front one will have a long straw taking the air to the back of the car, where it will be tied to the back balloon's straw. Double power- yay!

In terms of our other materials:

Insulation foam- we opted for this. It has all the pros of styrofoam, but is sturdier and cleaner.
A balloon pump- we can't blow these epic balloons to save our life, they're too epic for us.
CDs x4- For the wheels!
Knex Pieces- to form the axle.
Colourful balloons x2- I think this one is self-explanitory.

Not pictured:
Straws x3 (or 4)
Hot glue gun (gotta connect those pieces somehow) OR those sticks of glue plus a lighter.

The balloon car should be ready by today, and trial runs should be up either today or tomorrow.
Until then. :]

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